Innovation Smart District » Compra o alquila tu espacio

Want to know more about ISD?

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Buy or rent your space

Soon we will have offices and apartments available for companies dedicated to research, innovation and development that want to establish themselves in the ISD and enjoy the tax and immigration benefits that it entails.

What companies can belong to the ISD?

Any company that has innovation, research and development components.

Pharmaceutical Companies

technology companies

Medical technology companies

Companies that develop Smart Cities and sustainable developments
Innovation of traditional companies

Start Up Incubators

Venture Capitals that invest in Startups or projects aimed at Innovation

Data Centers, security and monitoring



In addition, the services needed by the inhabitants/workers of the ISD are allowed as complementary use, such as:

What benefit will your company
have by belonging to the ISD?

Import tax exemption

Exemption from income tax on lease and sublease

Real estate tax exemption on property

Exemption from income tax for their foreign operations and for their operations among themselves of the companies that are installed in the ISD

Property transfer tax exemption

Resident permit as an investor

Temporary Resident Permit as trusted personnel

Temporary permits for special policies

Special labor provisions

You can see the Free Zone license here.

The location, the existing infrastructures and the fiscal and migratory benefits make the ISD an attractive project for the establishment of companies and organizations.